

The Temple of the Abbys is established in what were originally the castle-farm’s stables that is located next-doors. Both buildings were built during the 19th century and together with the farm building downstream, they formed a distinct set of the Abbey lordship which was occupied by the Order of the Visitandines.

During the 20th century, the buildings changed owners several times and were separated from each other.

The castle-farm remained a bourgeois-like residence and the stables were transformed into a space where the cows of the farm located downstream were housed.

It was at the end of 2009 that the current owner acquired the building which was no longer up to the standards for housing the cattle and which was also in a severe state of degradation.

After 3 years of administrative procedures to obtain the town planning permit and the green light from the fire prevention service, work was eventually about to begin.

From 2013 to 2015 onwards, the owner undertook the construction of the extension of the existing building. An extension made on an oak framework made in the old-fashioned way, with tenons and mortises.

Work began on the stone building in 2015 which had previously been stabilized and partially rebuilt in several phases tin order o prevent damage from spreading.

For 5 years, the owner labored to carry out the works, assisted by an innumerable series of craftsmen. In the end, despite the countless vicissitudes that we had to face, the cottage opened its doors in the spring of 2021, bringing to the project leader the satisfaction of the enchanted returns of the tenants who stayed there.